Stop the Agony of the Affair
Get back to your old self...or someone better
Save Your Marriage... if you really want to
"Is 'Not Knowing' Killing You Inside ... Or Your Marriage? Are You Tired of All The Lies And Excuses? Are You Afraid That You'll Confirm Your Suspicions? More Importantly, Will You Ever Find Happiness Again, If It Does Exist?"
I assume you are like 1,000s of others jolted by the affair, asking these questions: (Substitute the word she for he if you would like.)
•Do I throw him out?•Or, should I let time heal?•Will the affair stop?•How long will it last?•Can my marriage be saved?•Should I talk to the other spouse?
•Will I ever be able to trust again?•How do I get rid of my anger and ugly thoughts?•Where did I fail?•Will I ever forgive? Forget?•Should I spy?•and more...
n 5 minutes I will put on your computer screen the answers, strategies and never-before-published knowledge base you MUST have to:
Get through this faster! Gain confidence. Clear the fog of confusion and diminish the pain.
Have the crazy days, sleepless nights, absent appetite and queasy stomach fade.
Find the strength and courage you never thought you had. Exude a new power. He will notice and it will shake his world.
Know in your heart that the affair is not your fault. No more self-blame and self-loathing. (You really did your best, you know)
Know exactly why he had the affair. You will know him better than he knows himself.
In the next 6 months turn this disaster into a new opportunity.
Melt your rage and hurt into understanding and eventually compassion.
Become an expert in affairs. Outsmart him and the OP.
Be tough AND patient and understanding.
Eyeball him and he will be the first to blink.
Surprise yourself and partner with your newfound wisdom and insight.
Have a REAL chance to stop the affair.
Say the right words that shake your partner to the bone so he stops to truly consider the folly of the affair.
7 Key Steps, Guaranteed to help you Break Free…
My E-book convinces you that the affair is not your fault. This shift in your thinking is vitally important if you truly want to break free from the affair.
The affair is HIS problem. It is THEIR problem. What you did or did not do did not "cause" the affair. He CHOSE that avenue to solve his dilemma. Did you make mistakes? Sure, we all do. Could you have done some things differently? Of course! He could have also! You are NOT defective. No one is a better lover or person than you. Nothing is wrong with you!
ou MUST Pinpoint the EXACT Kind of Affair Facing You
People are different, right? Well, so are affairs. Affairs are exceedingly complex, but there are patterns that you can identify.
What works to break free from one kind of affair will be disaster for another. Are you confused? Not sure what to say? What to do? Afraid that saying one thing might be destructive? Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells?
Identify specifically what you are up against and you will feel more confident because you know exactly what will work and what will not work.
When you order Break Free From the Affair, you receive this innovative e-book to help you with confronting your partner.
In this 48 page e-book, Paul and Layne Cutright teach you how to transform your experience of arguments and upsets in your relationships. Rather than avoiding confrontation and "walking on eggshells", you will be able to safely and constructively talk about things that are hard to talk about.
For more details click here
Get It & Download It Now
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