5 SureFire Ways To Make Your Partner Stay

"5 SureFire Ways To Make Your Partner Stay!"By Cucan Pemo
Before you atempt to bring back a lost mate, you have to understand why people leave and what makes people stay.
1. Relationship is like a "mutal filling of needs"
When you first fall in love, ask yourself why you fallin love. According to Dr Rob, falling in love and getting into a relationship is like a "mutual filling of needs".
Whether you realize it or not, you go into a relationship and choose to be with a person because you feel that your partner is fulfilling some of your emotional needs.
You feel good to be around with him/her.
You have new things to share with each other.
You feel you can learn something from your partner, whether it's to advance spiritually or to grow as a person.
You feel empowered whenever you can fulfill your partner's needs and wants or being able to contribute to his/her growth as a human or well-being (the crave for power and recognition)
Now, step back and think from your partner's point of view. He or she is experiencing one or more of the above, just like YOU, as a human.
A partner leaves when he or she loses any one or more of the above with you.
A partner also leaves for someone else because he or she can get one or more of the above from the other person.
If you want your partner to stay, or if you want to keep your partner, think about what you can do or change to save your relationship.
Don't come and tell me you cannot change because of habits or whatsoever.
If you cannot change and learn to make use of your creative mechanism within, your external world cannot change for you either.
2. If people don't feel important, they are not motivated to stay.
Let your partner know often enough that they are valued and loved, but no strings attached.
If people don't feel important, they are not motivated to stay.
No one wants to be a commodity, easily replaced by someone off the street. If they are regarded as expendable, they will leave for someone where they feel appreciated.
Some of my readers are so fearful of making the connection with their partner again that they hold back again and again.
The trick here is you have to get out there and make the connection. Call him or her up and say something to show that you care. Date him or her. It doesn't matter if you are being rejected or getting a negative response. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you or that you are lousy. The most important thing is you have tried. And if you are getting negative responses, you go back to step one and check on yourself again.
If you fail faster, you'll going to discover a couple of winning strategies!
And this is the type of attitude and mindset all succesful people have in common.
3. Understand what your partner wants
Your parnter is often a reflection of WHO YOU ARE and where you are at so I urge you to try and obeserve and study yourself and your partner.
Being human beings we are always looking for opportunities for advancement. People, including you or your partner, want to learn, to sharpen our skills, or learn new ones.
When we go into a relationship or marriage there is always someting that we want to learn out of it. If we are able to grow and develop as a human being in this relationship we want to keep it and stay in it for as long as we can.
There is no reason why anyone would want to walk out of a relationship if this want is being fulfilled.
This is why it is important you maintain healthy social life and active lifestyle so that you are constantly learning new things and having new experiences to share with your loved ones!
This is why experts encourage you to never stop dating and having fun in your relationship life!
And this is also why YOU have to allow the opportunity for your partner to find growth opportunities with you. Give him or her the freedom to learn, grow, and advance spiritually as a human being.
Help him/her grow.
4. People really do want to know that they do a good job in their relationship.
This applies to both YOU yourself and your partner!
Note: this is a want!
Understanding this, you would realize that when people are furstrated by too many rules, a not-so-understanding-and-appreciative partner, and red tape in a relationship, they'll want to look for elsewhere to breathe. Or, they'll gravitate towards someone else who can make them feel appreciated.
And you wouldn't want this to happen!
To help your partner stay in the relationship or marriage, give them the care and understanding they deserve. Also, try to understand and realize what it is that your partner seek from the relationship.
Don't ever try to ask your mate what is it they want. At times, they'll even find it hard to answer you. They might respond with things like "I don't know what I want", "I don't know who I am", etc. etc
Make a study of all the people around you. Observe them. Ask yourself why are you behaving the way you are. Why is your mate behaving and thinking the way he/she is.
I guaranteed you that you'll learn more about yourself and your mate than you'll learn in school and from textbooks . In schools, they don't even teach these stuff!
5. People want to do something meaningful in their work and their life!
Many people mistakenly thought that once they go into a relationship with they partners they can dictate how their partners live their life.
This is not true love.
All of us, including you and your partner, want to do something meaningful in their work today and life today. We are constantly looking for ways to make a difference, either for ourselves, for other people or for our loved ones!
And yes, this is a need. It is that which makes us feel alive as a human.
For many women, they define their relationships as their most meaning work in life. But women, remember that this is not true for most men. Men might define something else as their meaningful work in life and you have to work around looking after your needs and his needs as well. The same goes for men.
Don't dictate how your mate is going to live his/her life. At times, they need to go through certain aspects of life and circumstances to learn powerful lessons from them. They might meet with certain obstacles and difficulties that may directly or indirectly affect his/her relationship with you.
What you can do is to offer your support, care and understanding.
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5 Easy Ways To Get Out Of Fights And Disagreements

"5 Easy Ways To Get Out Of Fights And Disagreements" By Cucan Pemo
Someone has ever asked me, "Cucan, is it possible that we can go back to the way we are; that things will be the same as it is initially when we first meet, or when we first fall in love?"
My answer is, you can't fall in love forever! One day you will fall out of it. In fact, change if the only constant in this world. Things can't be staying the same all the time.
Because of change, life is forever beatiful and spontaneous!
But because of your faith, you can stay together till the end of time.
To keep your partner in the relationship with you, what you can do is to learn how to get out of fights and disagreements as quickly as possible.
1. Be aware of the times when you assert yourself too strongly.
Try to catch youself the urge to question his whereabouts, her hairstyle, him not spending time with the babies, her not behaving in the way you want in front of your friends, etc.
Understand that you can fall into the trap of wanting to see your partner as how you want it to be, not how he or she wants his or her life to be.
2. Understand that when we feel hurt, or feel offended, the feelings is our response.
One morning you could go to work feeling miserable, or with your self-confidence shaken because of some adverse experience.
Your partner comes by and give you a hug, and you feel good about yourself.
But not today. Today you are suffering tensions of self-doubt, anxiety and insecurity. We take his action in the wrong way, become offended. This is when quarrels occurs, breakups happen.
So, remember this, we are injured and hurt emotionally, not so much by other people or what they say or don't say, but by our own attitude and our own response.
3. Remind yourself that you have the power to be able to pause.
Be willing to see the truth, select an appropriate response, thereby CHOOSING the direction your relationship with your loved one would go.
Remember this: no one react to "things as they are," but to his own mental images or OPINIONS of what is happening.
Most of the time your partner's reaction or actions is not taken to frustrate or disappoint you, but because he (she) "understands" and inteprets the situation differently from us.
Always ask yourself this question "Why he (she) might "act the way he (she) does?"
4. Don't add your own opinions to facts.
Fact: Your wife asks for more space and freedom from you. Opinion: She does not care about our relationship anymore.
Fact: Your boyfriend orders the food he likes. Opinion: He never thinks of what I would like to eat today.
Fact: Your husband throws his clothes onto the bed after work. Opinion: He does this to purposely irritate me.
You kick up a fuss. Most likely other unrelated stuff will be brought in and a storm will begin.
Ask yourself, are you reacting to your own opinions?
5. Train youself to always possess a feeling of constructive influencing of your partner through your own personality instead.
Do you know something?
Many people do feel themselves as incapable and lousy that they can't seem to be able resolve a fight or quarrel with their partner.
So what do they do? They continue to fight, and they continue to quarrel.
Just remind yourself that 2 people can look at the same thing differently. If you catch yourself arguing for something not important at all, decide to walk away from it at once! Decide that it is just not worth it to spoil a wonderful relationship over a minor issue.
Remember, being in a relationship is not "never fight with my boyfriend", nor is it "never argue with my wife".
It's how quickly you can snap out of a disturbing situation.
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What Triggers Fight & How To Settle Them - Keeping Your Relationship With Your Spouse 0r Lover Harmonious

"What Triggers Fight & How To Settle Them - Keeping Your Relationship With Your Spouse 0r Lover Harmonious!"
by Cucan Pemo
Falling into a relationship is easy, but maintaining arelationship requires delicate care and skills. The processcan be likened to tending to your garden and keeping agarden of beautiful roses which will turn heads around.
The task of creating and building that magical relationshipdoes not come easy but is not difficult if you would justlearn the right ways to build a harmonious relationship thatlasts.
Find out what could trigger fight in a relationship and howto settle them to avoid all those pain and heartache andunnecessary misunderstandings which might eventually ruin arelationship.
(1) You want to win all time, giving in is losing your standNobody likes to lose. Losing hurts our ego, and it will doall it can to defend itself, to fight for itself, and toargue its way through until it makes sure that it gets itsway. However, this hurts your partner's ego too. It, too,wants to defend itself, fight for itself, and to argue itsway through. It simply will not let go. So if you want tostop the fighting, you have to be the one to initiate that!Better still, keep quiet. Your partner will soon stopfighting once he/she is not able to find anyone to reason orfight with when you just keep quiet.
(2) One of you is insistent in doing things your own way.Each of us always has reasons for doing certain things. Ifyou do not like what you see in your partner's attitude orbehavior, change that, within you! Change your perceptionsabout what you are seeing and how you think about it! Youmight not be able to change your partner, but you can changehow you feel inside of you. You can offer your suggestions,your opinions, but try not to go against their person. Letthem know that it is their behavior or attitude that you areagainst, but not against their persons. Always remember, ifyou live your life always wanting to change other people,you never learn to see the goodness or beauty of people andthings around you.
(3) You or your spouse is under pressure or stressWe tend to vent our anger or frustrations that we have oversomebody or something on our spouse or lover, whether we doit consciously or unconsciously. If your spouse is the oneunder stress or pressure, try to see from their point ofview. Instead of starting a fight for no real reasons, tryto help them cope with the frustration or problems they arefacing. It is useful to remind yourself that you can lend alistening ear. If you are the one having any stress orencountering difficulties, it is a good idea to let yourspouse know so he or she could try to see from your point ofview too and to share your burden. In short, do not keepeverything to yourself.
(4) One of you is not sensitive to your partner's feelingsIf your spouse or lover is insensitive to your feelings, youwould think that they do not care or that they areignorant. So you question them and start picking a fight. Beaware! You are solely responsible for your own feelings.Your spouse or your lover does not owe you your feelings.Let them know how you feel should they do something whichyou deem undesirable and unpleasant. Open up and talk toyour partner. Focus on effective communication instead.
Always remember that patience and tolerance is not a sign ofweakness, but a sign of strength. To start a fight and tosustain a fight you need another person to fight with. Thusif you really, really, really want to stop a fight. Be theperson who wants to stop it and just let go of all yourfrustration and anger. Your spouse or lover cannot continuefighting if there is no other person for them to fightagainst. It takes two hands to make a clapping sound! Remindyourself, if you do not want the clapping sound, you canjust remove one of your hands. Who makes the decision? You!
.........................................................................................................Is There A Special Person Whom You Love Like No Other?You can bring affection, warmth, laughter and love backinto your life! Amazing ebook "Bring Back The Love of YourLife - A Potent 4-Step Strategy!" will end your lonelinessand ensure happiness.==>
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3 Easy Ways to Attract Love Like A Magnet

"3 Easy Ways to Attract Love Like A Magnet"by Cucan Pemo
If you are still single and yearning for that someone special to come into your life, to share your life, and to share all the laughter and joy of being together, there is something you could do to attract your true love like amagnet!
(1)You must believe you are able to attract true love.
This is important! In order to attract your true love, not just any type of lovers, to come into your life, you have to believe you are able to attract the right person into your life. True love comes to you not because of chance. Instead, it comes to you because of who you are. It comes 'through' you, it does not come to you. You attract the people in your life because of who you are. If you are someone who is always cheery, generous, kind, and hardworking, then it is very likely you will attract people who have one or more of your positive attributes. Whoever you attract into your lives is a reflection of who you are at that moment. Thus if you are someone who is always doubtful of your own ability and capability to meet the right person, then it is very likely you will attract the wrong person into your life!
(2)Love others who come into your life at this moment.
Being loving to others is perfect love, not just wanting love. Open up your heart and give your love to others as well while you are waiting for your someone special to enter your life. When you open up and give more love, more love will return and be given you too. This is the law of give and receive. When you go outside and socialize, do not go with the intention of only wanting to find love, or to find your Mr/Mrs Right. Instead, take an interest in all those that you encounter, be aware of their welfare and needs as well. If you start to take an interest in other people's welfare and needs instead of only your own, more people will be attracted to you. So, detach yourself from the feeling that you want to find that someone special. The right person will definitely come to you one day and be attracted to you because of who you are. He or she might must be around in a corner thinking : "Hey, I want to get to know this person who has so much magnetism and optimism. How can I approach him/her?"
(3)Expect less from other people and give more instead.
As you give more and more love to others, be careful not to become too much focused on your own wants and needs. In wanting or expecting to experience the love we want, we suffer. We crave, and we cling to what we do not have and we even refuse to let go what we have clung to. Your giving should not come with any conditions. Instead, the love you give should want less and less. As your love wants less and less, ironically you will find more love coming your way, even without you asking for it.
Give true love, so that it opens up and embrace the world. Very soon, you will find that someone special entering your life. It is not by chance that this person has entered your life, but you have cultivated the 'seeds' to bring him/her to you, not just any type of person, but the right and true one for you. And after he/she has entered your life, continue to cultivate even more 'seeds' of love for everyone around you, and you will find that you can easily create the 'magical' relationship that you desire effortlessly.
------------------------------------------Bring Back the Love of Your Life! - A Potent 4-Step Strategy which always works, no matter what type of relationship you are involved in, no matter how difficult or hopeless your situation appears.FREE details ==>http://item0612.cpemo.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=MAR23
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3 Tips You Wish You Know Earlier Before You Go Into Any Type of Relationship

"3 Tips You Wish You Know Earlier Before You Go Into Any Type of Relationship"by Cucan Pemo
If you are in a relationship right now, or are thinking ofgoing into one, there are 3 very important tips you shouldknow and questions you should ask yourself before you everget yourself into a relationship. This could save you from alot of heartache and pain when you are involved in a loverelationship.
(1) Your lover does not owe you your happiness, peace orjoy.Happiness is a state of mind we choose to have. All of yourhappiness, and all of your suffering, are created by you andthey do not come from outside of you, or from others. Beforeyou go into any type of relationship, ask yourself thesequestions: "Do I really, really, really know how to walkaway from disappointment and fear? Will I be able to findthe person that I am now even after I go into thisrelationship and begin a new way of life?" In short, youshould not be dependent on your partner on your emotionalneeds. You yourself are responsible for your own feelingsand creating positive experiences for both your partner andyou whenever you are together.
(2) Love your partner for who they are.No one in this world is perfect. One day you will find yourpartner doing certain things or saying certain things thatwill hurt you, disappoint you or anger you. Before you gointo any type of relationship, you have to ask yourself:"Will I be able to love my partner for who they are. If I amunhappy or angry with something they have said or done, willI be able to recognize my unhappiness or anger as againsttheir speech, actions and behavior, and not against theirpersons?"
(3) Will I be able to love myself as much as I love mypartner?If you cannot love yourself, how are you going to give loveto another? This is a mistake most people make when they gointo a relationship. They become over-obsessive with whatthey can give to their partners and what they can do fortheir partners. To ensure a fulfilling relationship, youhave to learn to take care of your own needs as well. A truepartner or lover is one who will make sure that you do notbecome too dependent on them. You are responsible for yourown feelings and your own emotional needs too. You are abeautiful being. So, take care of yourself, love yourself,treat yourself to all the good things in life too, and dothe same to your partner. Very soon you will find true lovealways coming your way without any effort on your part!
As always, if you are encountering problems in yourrelationship, try to dissolve all of your problems in love.And you'll be sure you are on your way to a peaceful andfulfilling relationship!
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How to Gain an Unfair Advantage Over a Rival & Win Over the One you Love

"How to Gain an Unfair Advantage Over a Rival & Win Over the One you Love!"
by Cucan Pemo
Are you being kept up late at night worried sick that you would never be able to find or keep your true love because of a rival? Suspecting your date, lover or your spouse having an extramarital relationship? Here's what you could do so you could win back the one you love and keep them!
(1) Show your partner you respect their choices more than anyone else.
Do not do anything or say anything which forces your partner to do things or see things your way! If they have to make their choice whether they want you or the other person, give them no excuses to leave you for somebody else, show them your respect!
No one likes to live under the control of another person. Your partner will more likely choose you if you can show him or her that you are willing to give them the freedom to make their own choices and respect his / her wishes.
(2) Do not try to Compete
Do not try to compete with your rival, if you have one around. When you are competing, you are struggling, and when you are struggling, you create a lot of negative energy around you, leading to unpleasant experiences with the people who just happen to be with you. Instead, try to create opportunities that lead to positive experiences, especially with your partner around.
Let your partner feel that they can feel more at ease when he or she is together with you. Let your partner feel more comfortable being with you than with somebody else.
(3) Avoid discussing issues relating to your rivals.
Whenever you are with your spouse or lover do not keep asking or questioning them on issues relating related to your rival (Examples: "Where did you go yesterday?" "What did you give her…", "Why does he / she do this…", you get what I mean).
Asking such questions would only put his defense system on autopilot and his / her replies to you might not be truthful too. Most often than not, such discussions lead to unpleasant experiences with your partner, both of you might even fight or quarrel over an insignificant issue and further ruin your relationship.
So give your partner freedom of choice. Let them do whatever they want and like, and you will find that they will appreciate your understanding. If your partner finds that he/she can breathe easier when being with you than with the other person, they will come back to you, with no effort on your part!
(4) Stop clinging to your spouse or lover like sticky glue
Recall the type of person you once were when you first started seeing and dating your lover or your spouse. That 'person' you once were is the person whom your lover or spouse once loved deeply.
Be that 'person'. When you were that 'person', you were someone who did not cling to your partner like a parasite. You were independent, carefree, and full of zest for life! This is the real 'you' whom your partner love and like to be with.
So drop all those attachment. Practice detachment instead. If your relationship is failing, other people will tell you 'Your partner has changed.', or 'People change. This is life.' Instead, pause for a moment and ask yourself "Has my partner really change? Or is it I who have changed?" Have you changed to someone who has become too demanding in your relationship? Your partner love you for who you are. So 'be' that independent person you once were!
Keep the above tips in mind, and you can be sure that you will the heart of the one you love without any effort on your part!
-------------------------------------------Bring Back the Love of Your Life! - A Potent 4-Step Strategy which always works, no matter what type of relationship you are involved in, no matter how difficult or hopeless your situation appears.REE details ==> http://item0612.cpemo.hop.clickbank.net/
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The Road To Happiness In Relationship and Life - 8 Easy Steps

The Road To Happiness In Relationship and Life - 8 Easy Steps
By Cucan Pemo
Finding happiness is not always easy. It is something that we have to do for ourselves in order to have the life that we want and need. The road to happiness in a relationship is also something that we have to peruse so that we living the life that we want with the person that we can share it all with. Taking the time to figure out what we need and want is the most difficult part of it all. There are some steps that we can take to get us where we need to be.
Being happy in your relationship is going to depend on you and your mate. You both have to work hard to keep it on the right path so that you can dream and have the life that you have always wanted together forever. You need to work hard and do what you can to make this happen. Dream big and make sure that you keep your expectations to a reality. Keep your goals set and work hard to make a great relationship.
1. First of all, you need to communicate with your partner.
You want to make sure that you are speaking all the time and keeping in touch with what each other wants and needs. Think about how you want to be treated and this is what you should represent when you are talking to your spouse. You need to be sure that you are keeping communication high so that you can feel good about one another and know what is going on in your separate worlds. Do not be afraid to talk about things that you want from the relationship as well. You want to be sure that you are expressing what you want and need out of him. This will help you feel better and you should encourage him to let you know what he wants and needs as well.
2. Dreaming together is part of sharing a happy relationship.
Make sure that you are planning ahead and keeping all of your dreams in focus. Think about what you want to do tomorrow as well in the future. Do you want to have children, are you going to get married, where do you want to live are all dreams that you should be planning together so that you can both have what you expect and want in the relationship. If you do not share the same types of future dreams, you may not ever find true happiness together.
3. Play your part in the relationship. You need to contribute good things and even some bad to the relationship.
You have to own what you do and keep what you want to have as well as change the things that are not making you happy. This will go both ways and you have to be sure that you are ready to stick to your guns and keep what you are looking for in the relationship.
4. Another good step in creating a happy relationship is to realize that you cannot change someone else.
You are the only person that you can change. If you think that you are going to make him change this is probably not a good expectation to have. You will not like it when someone tries to get you to change so it is important to not try and change anyone else. You need to accept him for who he is and if you are not happy with the way that you are acting, you need to change. You have to do your best to create the person that you want to be so that you can find happiness in your relationship.
5. Paying attention to each other’s complaints is another way to build a good relationship with each other.
You need to listen to him and find out what is not making him happy. This will be the same for him listening to your complaints. This is the only way that you can make sure that you are going to be doing all the right things to create a good and healthy relationship with each other.
6.Trust is one definite for any relationship.
You need to build a good and solid relationship on trust. This is something that is going to get you far. If you cannot be honest with him then you are not going to stand a chance. You have to be ready to take on the part of being honest and sharing everything. Do not keep things from him and do not accept this behavior on his part either. Being honest is a great idea and way to stay happy and take that step closer to a better relationship.
7. Having fun is always a good thing in a relationship.
Do things that you are both going to enjoy and make sure that you are doing things that make you happy and keep you interested in each other and the things that you like. Make sure that you are making memories so that you have them for a lifetime to come. You can have a happy and healthy relationship with the partner that you think is right for you.
8. Never give up.
This is a step that you have to enforce. You need to keep on being persistent and make sure that it all works out for you in the end. You deserve to be happy and this is something that is going to be good for you in the end. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can to keep a healthy and happy relationship to last a lifetime.
With these happy relationship steps you can have a great time and the life that you are looking for to create the love of your life. You need to make sure that you are doing all that you can to encourage a happy and very successful life with the partner that you have always dreamed about.
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7 Reasons Why He Always Say He Loves You When He's Still Seeing Someone!

7 Reasons Why He Always Say He Loves You When He's Still Seeing Someone!
By Cucan Pemo
You know that men are going to do things that we just do not like. It is going to happen regardless of what we do or think. There are men that just have to lie to us and tell us what we want to hear even if we know that they are completely lying to us. There are things that women have to know and learn about why men say that love us even when they are still seeing someone else.
When a man cheats on us, it can be devastating. It can be a very big heartache to learn that the man that we love is still seeing someone else. He is cheating on us! This is an unacceptable issue that women have to control no matter what they feel or think. There are reasons behind why men say they love us when they are double timing and it is important to learn why.
1. Men want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to have you with them forever because they do love you and you have been there with them through a lot of things. However he also want to see if the grass is greener on the other side. This is why most men still say that they love you no matter what. It is up to us as women to put an end to it and give them an ultimatum to choose the one that they love the most.
2. Men will tell you that they love you because they want you to believe them. They want you to think that they are not cheating and that everything is fine. Giving you the affection that you want may end up keeping them out of the doghouse so that they can continue to see the other person that they have been.
3. A man will tell you that he loves you because he does not want to lose you. They may be seeing someone else on the side, but they would not want you to do the same. By telling you that they love you this will keep you believing that everything is ok and that you will not go out and try and find someone else. They want to keep you even though they are not being faithful and they surely do not want you to go and find anyone else.
4. Sometimes a man may tell a woman what she wants to hear. Keeping her in the dark may be the way that he wants it as well as the woman. If you are a woman that does not want to believe that your man is cheating and that he still loves you, it is going to be evident that you believe everything that he is saying to you.
5. A man may tell you that he loves you even though he is still seeing a former girlfriend because he is not sure if he wants to leave her or not. He may not feel ready to leave his existing girlfriend or wife but he may want to be with you at the same time. This is a confusing time for him and the only way that he can do is to continue to tell you that he love you so that he can buy some time to figure it all out.
6. Having a man tell you that he loves you and still seeing someone else is going to be hard on you. He may want to do this to wear you down. Some men have a control issue and this may be his way to keep you under his wing. He may tell you that he loves you or tell you that he is the only one that will ever really love you. When a man does this, he is trying to control you and keep you from feeling good about yourself.
7. A man may also tell you that he loves you while seeing someone else because he is afraid of getting caught. He may think that you do not know anything at all and that everything is fine. You need to either decide to accept this or tell him that you are not going to take it anymore.
No matter what the reason is behind him telling you that he loves you and cheating on you, you have to figure it out. You need to do whatever you can to get clear, take charge of your relationship circumstances and make the situation better. You need to decide what is better for you and what will make you happy in life. Your happiness is the most important thing that you need to consider. If you are not clear, you will only prolong your suffering and deny yourself the joy and happiness you deserve.

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What To Do If I Want To Connect With Him But I Don't Want To Look Needy

What To Do If I Want To Connect With Him But I Don't Want To Look Needy
By Cucan Pemo
We all want to be closer to our man. This is something that we may feel the need to do because it will make us feel better about our relationship. This is going to be a great achievement for most couples. However, it is not always easy to get close to your man because you may not want to look too needy to them. You have to know how to do it right so that you are not making a big mistake in your relationship.

You need to allow your man to have their space but you want to also get as close to them as you can. When you are trying to learn about their life and find out as much as you can, you will want to be in their life but you also want to let them have their space so that they can do the things that they like to do too.

Do not over stay your welcome. If a man says that they need to do something and they need to do it alone, you need to let them. This is the only way that you can be sure that they are doing what they need to and getting the space that they need. If you are asked to leave or you are not invited to something in their life, you should make sure that you are letting them do it. This will make them feel as if they have their space and that you are not being too needy.

You will want to make your man feel loved. You want them to feel like they are very important to you but you do not want to be a stalker or anything like that. If you are too clingy, you may in fact scare them away. You may feel as if you are not giving them as much of your attention as you should. You need to make sure that you are doing all that you can to make your man feel good but you should also let them do the same for you. If you are not receiving love back, you may not be in the relationship that you should.

Do not call your man all the time. You need to back off at times. It is ok to call your man daily and to check up on what is new in their life. You will want to make sure that you are keeping in touch with him but in a classy way. Calling all the time and making a nuisance of you is only going to make yourself look too needy. This can actually be embarrassing for you. Learn how to cut back and give the recommended space that you both need when you need it. This is the only way to keep your self-respect and not make him feel like you are not giving him room to breath.

He does not have to go with you wherever you go. It is ok to spend time together, but you need to know when to do things on your own. Spending time together and doing things that you love is important however, you do not have to drag him along when he does not want to come. Ask him once but do not force him to do something that he is not interested in. of course you need him to spend time doing things that you like with you but you do not need to make it happen all the time. There are ways to connect with your man and not drive him crazy by annoying him with the little things that he does not want to do.
Do not tell him what to do. When you are constantly telling him what to do and how to do it, you may in fact be insulting him and making him feel almost like a child. This is going to be a degrading experience for him and it is not something that you want to happen. Give him the respect that you would want for yourself. This is the best way to keep things moving in the right direction and not making yourself seem like you are attached to him at the hip.
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Don't Ask These Drill Questions In Your Relationship!

Don't Ask These Drill Questions In Your Relationship!
By Cucan Pemo
When you are in a relationship you need to know what you should ask and what you should keep to yourself. You may not know that when you are asking your partner something that you think is important, you may actually be insulting them and make a very large strain on the relationship as well. You need to be aware of these questions and keep them on the back burner as long as you can.
1. Do not ask your man what they are doing when they are not with you. This question is sometimes not the right thing to ask. You may want to think about it first so that you can determine if it is going to the right question at that moment. You may not have to know where your partner is during every second that you are not with them. However, if you think that your partner is doing something that they are not, you should be a little bit suspicious so that you are not setting yourself up for a terrible failure.2. Get to know your partner and what their personality is. You should not drill your mate on different things that you think you just have to know. You should think about this before you decide to use your detective work. You do not want to ask your man the questions that are going to be insulting to them. You should first make sure that you have some kind of proof before you start to drill them and make them very uncomfortable with the conversation.3. You have to know when to quit asking questions. You should not drill a man until the point that they feel uncomfortable. You need to make sure that you are not being too pushy. If you are pushing them too much, you may find that you lose out on something that is so important to you. 4. Never drill a man about what they do with their other friends. You should not make a man feel uncomfortable by asking them what they do on their down time with their other male friends. You need to let them have their space so that they are not feeling like you and all of your questions are invading them. You want them to be comfortable with you and have the knowledge that you can both go and have your own friends and have fun even when you are not around them.5. You should never embarrass your man by drilling them with questions when they are with their friends. You do not want to get them upset and very mad by asking them things that are private and that you need to talk to them about in private. This is something that you need to do so that you are not risking an argument with your mate in front of their friends.6. Never ask a man what they do when they are alone. This is something that you may not want to know. It may be a little bit scary. You never know what you are going to hear and it may even be more than you want to know. Think carefully before you ask your questions because you may have to prepare yourself for what you find out.7. There are different things that happen at work that you may not need to know. You should not drill a man about what they are doing at work if they are not ready to let you know. You may want to know what you are going on to some point. However there are things that a man would rather keep to himself. You have to learn how to respect that and let them have their space just as you would appreciate to have your own. This is something that you can do that also means that you are giving them respect that they deserve as well. You will find that when you allow them to have their space, you may even have a better relationship from having independence too.
Using good judgment to what you should know and what you should let go will help you have a better relationship with a man. I know that it may be hard but you have to do what will work best in your relationship and not seem too pushy at the same time. You would appreciate the same type of respect from him too.
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How To Reconstruct A Marriage With A Wife If She Says She Has Lost Interest In Being Married

How To Reconstruct A Marriage With A Wife If She Says She Has Lost Interest In Being Married
By Cucan Pemo
It is not easy to watch a woman get bored with your marriage. It is even worse if you do not notice at all. You need to be aware of the things that are going on in your marriage so that you can make it work and last for as long as possible. You should not let your marriage get so boring to the point that your wife loses interest. I would recommend that you take the time to be sure that everyone is satisfied and happy so that you can keep your marriage happy and strong.
When your wife tells you that she is bored and is loosing interest in being married, you need to take action. You have to be ready and willing to reconstruct the marriage so that you are not losing out on something that you love so much. You should be able to keep the marriage going strong so that you can live a happy life together.
You can reconstruct a marriage first by communication. You have to be wiling to sit and talk to each other. The more that you talk, the more that you will be able to find out about each other and what is going on. You can talk about what is boring her and what she needs to have from you to be happy. When you are willing to sit and discuss things you will get down to what is really going on and how you can start to put it back together.
Once you have communicated well about what is going on, you should then think about what you have to do to make it all right. This is going to be serious. You should not go into this conversation unless you are totally willing to make things work between the two of you. You should sit down and think of things that you both can do to make the marriage more interesting to both of you. Listen to what she has to say and take it to heart. You should not demise what she is saying and take it serious so that you are able to put the spark back into the marriage.
I know that there are lots of married couples that just forget about the fun that they used to have. They have become comfortable with each other and there is nothing at all wrong with that. However, they have become too comfortable. Life has become boring for them and it is hard to get excited about being married again. When this happens, you need to notice before she comes to you and says that she is losing interest in being married. This is going to be the point that you want to avoid. You need to keep it fresh and alive in your marriage so that you can keep both of you excited and interested in the marriage.
Do not take things for granted. You may think that your marriage is happy and everything is great. However, you may not see what is really going on inside her head. You may not be able to see that she is bored and very unhappy. Again, the best thing that you can do is talk to each other and find out what each other is feeling. This is the called communication and it is the key factor to have in any marriage.
Think of ways that you can add the fun into your relationship. Plan a romantic getaway so that you can have some fun like you used in the beginning. You should think about how you can surprise her and make her feel special. Make this the most romantic getaway that you have ever had. Do not be afraid to make it over the top. If you have the money to make it happen, you should go for it. However if you do not, you can make it as well as you can with what you have. This is the best way that you can get some alone time without others around to make things right again or at least try.
Do something nice for your wife when you can. Shock her with your kindness and let her know that what she does is appreciated. You want her to know that she is something special in your life and you want to honor that. This is a great way to make her feel interested in the marriage again. You will be amazed at how far you may get with this approach. You want to do little things whenever you can so that she will feel like she is the light of your life and that you are always thinking of you.
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7 Easy Ways To Instantly Transform any Relationship or Marriage If She Says She Has Lost Interest

7 Easy Ways To Instantly Transform any Relationship or Marriage If She Says She Has Lost Interest
By Cucan Pemo
It is not easy to stay in a relationship and keep interest in the other person. You need to do what you can to make sure that you are doing all that you can to keep the other interested in the things that you can do together. You want to make sure that you are keeping the relationship alive and moving along in the right direction just, as you want it to.
There are different things that you can do if your mate comes to you and says that she is loosing interest in the things that you do together and you. You should take the time to think about what you can do and make this relationship work as best as you can so that you are not putting the relationship in danger or ending. Take time to think about what you can do to put the fire back into the relationship.
1. You need to make sure that you are doing what you can to keep her interested in what you do together. You can try and make the weekends your time together. Pick one weekend day and do something fun together. You can use this time to see a movie or go see a play. You can do anything that you want to do to make the both of you have fun together. You want to make sure that you are keeping it fun for everyone involved.2. There are things that you can do to make her day a little brighter. You can try and send her flowers at work or give her candy when she is least expecting it. This is a great idea to keep the interest there. This will hopefully melt her heart and give her what she is looking for.3. Surprise her with a very romantic getaway. You should allow her to be excited about something every once in a while. You can take her away on a romantic getaway. This will make her feel very special and keep the interest there for both of you. This is a great way to make the both of you have a great time together and to spend some quality time together as a couple.4. Do not miss an open opportunity. If you are sitting at home and it is quiet, let her know how you feel. Expressing your true feelings and letting her know just how you are feeling about her will make it a lot easier for her to feel wanted when you tell her about how much she means to you when she is going to least expect it. You want her to feel like she is special.5. Getting her something that she has always wanted is good idea. Of course, you do not want to try and buy her off. You do however want to make her feel good and special about who she is and what she means to you. Getting her something that she wants can be anything. It can be a special piece of jewelry, a new vacuum, new sweater, or something that you know is important to her.6. Do something special for her when you can. Let her take the night off and make a very romantic dinner for the both of you. Take the kids to your mother’s house and light the candles. You can also do every thing from making the supper to cleaning up afterwards. This is not only a great way to make her feel appreciated but a way to make her feel like the chemistry is still there and this will help her keep interested and all that you do together.7. Let her know she is important to youThe main thing that you can do to keep her interest in you and the relationship is to make it worth her while. You want to let her know that she is important to you and that you are going to have the best life together. You want to talk about a future together so that you can make plans and keep the fires burning with the both of you and in your relationship.
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The Power of A Proper Attitude When Your Relationship Is Driving You Crazy

The Power of A Proper Attitude When Your Relationship Is Driving You Crazy By Cucan Pemo
There was once when someone wrote me and told me how hopeless and disappointed he felt when his girl-friend didn't take the initiative to invite him over to her hometown for her birthday celebration.
Worse, he was being informed by his girlfriend that she just met up with one of her former, "close" boyfriends.
Just by reading his mail, you could sense that his relationship was scarred and it was definitely not going smoothly.
He was not alone, feeling this way.
There was a time when my boy-friend didn't call me up as he usually would, when he went away for a sporting competition with his mates during the weekends.
I knew exactly where he went to, where he was, what he was doing; yet during that morning when I had had some time to take a break and was having a quiet morning; I couldn't help feeling uneasy and restless - that day!
I'm sure it happened to a number of you. Suddenly you just kept feeling restless, and you simply can't stop telling yourself stories (in your head, sort of like talking to yourself - an internal dialogue).
Things got worst when he didn't manage to give me a call that day; and I got more and more agitated, with my-self, as well as him!
I was quick to become fully conscious and aware of this inner dialogue and the agitations I'm feeling. It felt as if I was watching "someone" getting madder and restless, full of stories in her head!
He did call up late in the night (near midnight!); claiming that he was so caught with the preparation for his race that he didn't really have time to contact me upon his arrival in the noon.
I told myself I could have scream at him that he broke his "promise" of not calling at that specific time; and accused him of not staying back home to accompany me, but chose to spend the weekends with his buddies.
Yet, I was so relieved to hear his voice! When I recalled what happened during the day; I couldn't help laughing at myself! Boy! Our internal dialogue and "conversations" with our-selves can really torture us!
Feelings of insecurity and jealousy definitely have no place in a long term, committed relationship.
On the other hand; I'm not siding with the girl-friend mentioned above. She could have chosen to handle things differently and take into considerations the feelings of her boy-friend.
However, it is not worth it to torture your-self and make yourself unhappy when things are not seemingly going your way!
The guy told me his thoughts:"Disappointed - because she didn't take the initiative to invite him over to her party""Angry and frustrated - because of the presence of her "close friend"It all comes down to just how you can cultivate the right attitude towards yourself.
Getting the right attitude is the first thing on your list of things to do when you’re feeling helpless and frustrated about how things are going.
If you have learnt the laws of attraction, you'll understand that it's based on the idea that what you do and think in this world will then affect the outcome of your life.
For example, if you don’t believe that you can create your own wealth and abundance, chances are likely that you won’t.
If you don’t believe in a loving relationship, then you will not find one. But it’s not impossible to change the way that you think. All you need is the right tools to begin. Here are some ways to get started.
What you may not know
To begin, you will want to start thinking about the way that you think right now. What you can do is write down all of your thoughts during the day to see how many negative thoughts you have.
This can be a highly enlightening experience. Just the writing down of your thoughts can be interesting because you will start to realize just how many thoughts you have each day.
Once you’ve gotten a good idea of how many negative thoughts you can have during a typical day, it time to start turning them into abundance attracting thoughts – and you can do this by starting to question the way that you think.
Just by simply slowing down your thinking and asking yourself ‘why’ you think the way you do, you will start to see the fault in some of your lines of reasoning. You’ll realize that you really don’t have a reason for thinking what you do – or you just don’t have a ‘good’ reason.
But here’s the next step
Try to counter any negative thoughts with positive ideas. Many people find it to be a good practice to write down the negative thoughts they have and then counter them with something that turns the thought into a positive statement.
For example, if you sit around thinking that you just don’t have any money, change it into the idea that you might not have money now, but you will in the next few weeks. If you’re worried about paying your bills, tell yourself that you always have the money each month and you will again the next month.
You might also want to say the positive ‘rebuttal’ aloud if you’re in a place where you feel safe to do so. Simply tell yourself to ‘stop’ the negative thought, repeat it and then change it to something more positive. Then repeat that positive thought again to help yourself remember what you ‘should’ be thinking.
The power of a proper attitude
When you start to create a more positive mindset, it’s amazing what your life can become.
Not only will you begin to notice the good in everything around you, but you will also begin to see the opportunity in your environment. You’ll begin to see challenges as challenges, rather than instant problems. You’ll begin to see a chance to make things better as opposed to feeling hopeless about certain parts of your life.
And a positive attitude has also been linked to many health benefits too. People who are more positive tend to have fewer colds and flus than negative people. There is even some scientific research that is showing that more positive thinkers also tend to suffer less during illnesses as well as fight cancers and other diseases more easily.
An everyday process
Creating a positive mind is not something that you can just ‘do’ and then neglect; it is something that you must cultivate and nourish each day of your life.
You can accomplish this through keeping a journal of your positive thoughts or taking the time to be grateful for the positive things in your life. Some people find that thanking their chosen deity or religious practices to be comforting. Whatever helps you to feel like you are able to maintain your positive attitude, try to incorporate it into each day.
As you find your life and your attitude to be more positive each day, you will find that things come to you more easily. You’re not struggling with your life as much as you once were. This is due to the laws of attraction. Because you are putting good ‘vibes’ into the world, they are returning to you in the form of less stress and resistance in your life. Learn to become fully conscious and aware of your internal "dialogues". The power of positive thinking? Absolutely.
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8 Easy Ways To Divorce Proof Your Marriage

8 Easy Ways To Divorce Proof Your Marriage
By Cucan Pemo
There is no easy ways that you can make your relationship divorce proof. However, you can take your chances and trying to make it less of a bust, but you will never be able to guarantee yourself to have a divorce proof marriage. There are some things that you can do to make your marriage work better for you, but there is no guarantee that it will work out happily ever after.

1) Make your relationship and marriage stronger by always keeping the communication channels open. If you always keep your feelings open and there is always 100% honesty in the relationship, your marriage will last years. You will be able to not worry about what the other is doing because you have a basis of trust that makes the relationship seem very secure for both partners. This makes marriage years go by so easily.

2) Tell your partner when things are going bad. You may not want to hurt the others feelings, but you have to think about your feelings sometimes. When you are in a rut, you feel depressed and horrible, but if you manage to be open, you will be able to keep your marriage going strong. When you don’t open up about your feelings that is when people start going crazy with affairs and being careless about the relationship and about the love

3) Learn how to live together.You will know whether both of your are meant for each other if you can move in together and live together for a year or two before marriage. Those who love each other learn how to live together. They do not argue over petty things in the marriage because they have been there and done all of that. You will be able to build a strong commitment before you get married when you move in together before you two get married.

4) Make your relationship last by giving each other some affection. Kiss your mate goodbye and kiss your mate when they walk in the door. Go to the movies hand and hand. Place your arms around your mate so that they will feel special when you are out together. Every time that you show your mate some affection, you are confirming all of the love that grows between you.

5) Bonding through doing some activities together. Find something that you mutually like and then go do it together. You can exercise, dance, sing, go to a bar, watch a weekly show, and so on. It can be anything that you would like to. It is anything that you mutually enjoy.

6) You may find it to be odd, but you both need to have independent lives. When couples spend too much together, they get themselves in trouble. You need to have a night out for yourself, and then you need to give your mate and night off, so you will end up having two nights where you two go out and do your own thing. You may want to spend this time on your hobbies or just going shopping or taking a bath. This is just where you spend time away from each other; it only has to be a couple hours of the night.

7) You need to also make time to be intimate with each other. There are times when you need to spend some time away from each other and then they are times when you have to put some extra time aside to be intimate. You do not always have to have sex. You can cuddle, hug, kiss, massage each other, and so on. It can be anything that you two want that will keep the love and romance going. You can even play some games to spice it up in the bedroom.

8) Finally, you need to stay positive. When you are honest and you take care of your relationship you are still going to find hard times. There are always ups and down in a relationship no matter how hard you work, but the thing is that people, who stick together, stay together. You will be able to keep your marriage going strong when you are able to focus on the positive.

There are so many things that you can do to make your relationship strong, however, you have to make sure that you are giving your mate the proper attention and love on a daily basis so that the hard times don’t seem so hard. You will also notice that if you can stay positive, you will have a positive relationship.
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7 Qualities Girls Like Their Ideal Partner To Have!

7 Qualities Girls Like Their Ideal Partner To Have!
By Cucan Pemo
If you are a man reading this, you need to pay attention! There are some things that you need to know so that you can find and KEEP a great relationship. You need to understand what women want to have in their ideal partner. This may be you but you may have to make some changes in your life and this list is going to help you do just that.
MEN Please Take Notes1. You need to be a good listener. A woman wants to have a man in her life that listens to everything that she says. It is going to make her happy and you never know when you are going to learn something important. You need to make sure that you are paying attention and using your best intensions when she is talking to you. Be considerate and even if it is a subject that you have no interest in, pretend anyway! 2. Make sure that you are asking your girl the right questions. Take an interest in what she did that day. “ What did you do today?” or “ How was your day?” these are great questions to ask a woman because she is going to love telling you about it. Never tell her what to do or the right way that you believe to do something. You want to make sure that you are offering the right advice when it comes time to.3. Do not give her advice on what to do all the time. She wants you to listen and not to give out instructions all the time. Yes, it is good to offer help and to give support when you are asked. However do not push your opinions on her and certainly do not let her think that your way is always the right way no matter how tempting it may be. 4. Make good eye contact with her. When she walks into a room, pay attention! Let her know that she looks great and that you are appreciating the way that she takes the time to make herself look great for you. She will love the fact that you are taking the time to pay attention to her and looking at her eyes and not at everything else. That is for later! 5. Make sure that you are telling her that you love her. You need to give her affection. Every woman wants to have affection from her man. This is going to make her feel loved and special and why wouldn’t you want to do this? Giving her love and appreciation will make it all seem worthwhile and she will love you more for it and it will put her in a better mood too. What man does not want to put his girl in a better mood? The better her mood usually means that better your mood will be. 6. Spending time with the girl is very important. You do not always have to do what you want to do. Make sure that you are taking an interest in what makes her happy. This may mean that you have to do certain things that you would not normally do but you have to think ahead. When you are doing thing that she likes, you will be making her happy and you may end up liking it too. 7. Actions are a great way to make a woman feel good. Touch her hand and hug her at any given moment. Show her that you are affectionate towards her. Do nice thing for her when she is least expecting it. She will defiantly appreciate this. You want to surprise her with little things when you can. Women love this type of thing even it is something as simple as flowers or candy from time to time. You can also give her a back rub at night when she has had a hard day. She will defiantly appreciate this. Learning the right tools is going to be the key factor in your relationship with a woman. You need to make sure that you are giving her all the attention that you can so that you are letting her know that she is important and how she feels does matter to you.
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Big No-No's In Your Relationship with A Woman, Which She Secretly Wish You Knew!

Big No-No's In Your Relationship with A Woman, Which She Secretly Wish You Knew!
By Cucan Pemo
There are things that women want men to know but do not tell them. This is going to mean the difference between a good relationship and a bad one. If men could only know about these things that are big no-nos and knew what women wanted, they would be able to have happier relationships with the woman in their life.Giving Respect is as Important as Getting It One thing is respect. Women want to have respect. When it comes to respecting women, some men are not so good at it. This may end up resulting in them losing out in the relationship. It is important to show respect to a woman that you are involved with or any woman for that matter. Give them an opportunity to see that you can be a good guy and that you can respect what they believe and let them have their own feelings about things.Respect is going to be shown through actions. You can do nice things for a woman like opening up the door, giving up your seat or talking to her differently with passion and concern. It is not acceptable to just fake some charm on a first date. You need to be real and up front about how you are going to be in the relationship on a day-to-day basis. Being Kind to the World Being kind is another secret that most men do not know that women want. Women want their man to be kind to everyone. They want them to nice to everyone that they meet to some degree. Treating others nicely will mean that they are kind and are going to give the same type of treatment that they deserve and expect from everyone else. Kindness can go a long way to a women’s heart and it should be something that men think about.Having Accountability for Actions Women want men to have accountability. They wan to make sure that men are going to take the responsibility for the things that they have done. This can mean anything from the smallest problem to bigger life changing events that happen in their life. Women want to make sure that they are with a man that is going to be a stand-up guy and do what they are supposed to do. Loving FamilyOne no no that women hate is a man that does not love her family. Women want to have a man that is going to love their family and take on the pressures of family life in a good way. This means their parents, brothers, sisters and children all the same. They need to know that they can rely on their husbands or boyfriends to do what is needed of them. Most women need someone that they can trust and whom they know is going to be there for them when they are most in need. Being Safe and Secure Women want to also feel safe with their men. They want to know that they have nothing to worry about and that they are in good hands when they are with them. Having the feeling of security is going to mean all the difference when a woman is with their man. They want to be secure not only with their man but they also want to know that their man is going to be there to protect them when they need it the most. Women need to make sure that their man is taking their relationship seriously. They want to know that their man is going to be there for them no matter what and they want to make sure that they are for real in the partnership. Try not to joke around all the time and laugh about things in the relationship as this is going to insult some women and make them feel low. Women want their men to be committed and serious about what is going on in the relationship just as they do.
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Dealing With Strong Feelings: 7 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart FAST!

Dealing With Strong Feelings: 7 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart FAST!
By Cucan Pemo
A broken heart is hard to deal with no matter how the break up goes down. It is something that may hurt for a long time to come. You need to figure out how to get over a broken heart when it happens. It may not be something that you want to think about but you have to do it because life does go on and you need to take advantage of it.
There are going to be different phases of the breakup. You need to go through them all so that you are able to achieve the sense of security and love that you once did. Having these feelings are going to be good for you but you do not want to take them too far. This will only make things harder on you when it comes to getting on with your life. There are predicable phases of a break up. You may have been through them before, but there are some good ways to deal with your strong feelings and get over that broken heart fast!
You need to share your feelings. Getting out what you are feeling is going to make you feel better inside. You want to share these feelings with your friends and family or anyone that will listen to you. Having a good support is going to help you get through the tough times faster. You do not have to let it out all at once. Talk about it slowly and work your way up to getting it all out in the open.
Think about what is good for you. You have to get over this broken heart fast so that you are able to feel better. You need to make good choices for what is good for your heart and soul. Make sure that you are not putting yourself in any situation that may be harmful for you. Getting over the breakup is important and you need to do what is best for you.
Taking good care of you is important. You want to keep eating and exercising and staying healthy. You need to keep your strength up so that you are able to be strong and able to feel good about yourself. This will help you get over the break up and get back on track.
Let it all out if you want to. Crying is good. You do not have to be embarrassed about crying. It is part of life. You will find that there are going to be hard times that hit you all of a sudden and you will feel like crying and letting it all out. You need to do this anyway to keep your sanity. This will help you feel better and get back on track. You need to do this when you feel the urge and do not worry about what others think.
Doing the things that you love the most will help you get over the break up too. You will want to make sure that you are keeping up with your hobbies and doing what makes you the happiest. You want to keep your schedule on track and stay busy. This will help you heal faster.
Keeping busy is key. You need to stay on the go and keep your mind occupied. This will allow you to keep those unhappy and undesirable life events out of your mind and keep you motivated to stay healthy. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can to stay busy. You will want to talk to your friends, go out more and spend some time with your family. These things will make you feel better and help heal your wounded heart.
Time is of the essence. You need to remember that all wounds heal with time. You need to give yourself the time and soon you will notice that you are not feeling so bad and that life is good again. If you actively seek the answers to the problematic areas of your life which has caused your breakups, you will find the answers. Seek the help of an expert if you desire to restore your marriage or your relationship. Ask and talk to people who have successfully saved their relationship. Their insights and experience can help you pull through this period. Who knows, once you have it all figured out, you could well be on your way to save your relationship and have your lover running back into your arms again!
There is no need to worry when you are involved in a break up. Everyone has been through it and there is going to be happiness again. When a relationship breakup happens, understand that it is not your fault and do not put all the blame on yourself. It usually does mean that something has gone off-balance in your life and in your relationship and you need to put that balance back.
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How To Resolve Issues In Your Relationship

How To Resolve Issues In Your RelationshipBy Cucan Pemo
At some time in our personal relationships, we all go through problems, but unless you pinpoint the problems and learn how to resolve them, your relationship can fall apart. 1) Take Your Relationship To a New Place Getting away from the norm can be a healthy thing for a long relationship. Long relationships tend to create habits and routines that are hard to break for both partners. It is important to stay spontaneous in your relationship and this is not a new concept but a very true one. You can easily fall into routines such as getting up, going to work, coming home, eating, watching TV and then going to bed.
Try to spice it up a little and make different plans every few days and a couple of weekends a month. Remember, though, it is difficult to make these changes every single day, so try to space them out. Shaking things up too much can be as big of a problem as sticking with a routine. There are lots of ways to break those routines. It doesn't matter if it is for a week, weekend, or just the day, as some time away from the norm can be very therapeutic. A nice option is to find a place where the romance can ignite, as you have some alone time with your partner. Unfortunately, until it happens to them, many people do not think that living with an individual can make them lonelier than they’ve ever been in their lives. Studies indicate, though, that thousands in a committed relationship feel alone. Not many people in relationships spend a lot of time with their partner, and they tend to take them for granted. Sometimes there are days when the couple does not even talk about anything that has real meaning. This can be negative on both sides, and by exerting some effort to pay more attention to your partner it can bring about a healthier relationship. Getting away from those old routines can help get the two of you where you need to be.2) Listening, Talking, Then Speaking If a conversation is brought up, and an argument happens, you should try to think why the argument came about. Sometimes you can provoke the argument, and you are not aware you are doing so.
For example, constantly criticizing your partner or dwelling on small details in a negative way is a way of provoking confrontation and not knowing it. Maybe you always harp on her clothes. Alternately, perhaps you incessantly complain that he’s late when he comes home. It doesn’t matter what it is, if you discover this is happening, you should try to listen carefully when you speak. You should try to look into the future what will happen if you happen to say this or do that. You are the person who knows your partner better than anyone else; therefore use this to your advantage. Understand what triggers the arguments, and you may be able to solve them before they start.3) Making Time for One Another There’s no simple way around it, our lives are busy places. That time spent elsewhere, though, means time you’re choosing not to focus on your relationship, and that can cause some real problems. Set aside time just to spend with your partner.
After being in the relationship for a long period of time, this can be the only way get control of the spiraling problems you may be experiencing. Try to set aside some time where you can have a good conversation or go for a walk. Setting aside some time to enjoy your time together can help make a healthier relationship.4) Making Time For YourselfSpending too much time with someone for too long can be overwhelming. You may discover that taking a solo trip refreshes you, as well as your partner. You may find that you will miss your partner and it may take some time alone to realize this.
Focusing on yourself for a bit may, in turn, help you to focus on your relationship. For example, while you’re on your own, you may discover that your partner often speaks for you. Understanding the root cause of this problem may help you communicate the issues to your partner more effectively.If you and your partner are having relationship problems you should try to look at the problem and sit down with them to have a heart to heart alone talk with no interruptions. If this still does not work and you are still having relationship problems then counseling may be a good option.
The relationship is an investment in time and emotion. Because of this, you should take advantage of the time you spend together and, in a constructive way, come to terms with why the problems are occurring. ====================Have your lover come running back into your loving arms again before it's too late!Do you know what your lover or spouse want from your as a partner and mate??Do you know you CAN have a long lasting marriage or relationship and be the Lover your partner never wants to leave? TAKE CHARGE of your relationshipdestiny TODAY with my Relationship Restoration strategies, which have beenused by happy and satisfied readers from ALL over the world. Read ALL the ravereviews here and learn how you can Save your Marriage and Relationship today!==> http://item0612.cpemo.hop.clickbank.net/
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How To Save Your Marriage and Stop Your Divorce : Let's Start Talking Again

How To Save Your Marriage and Stop Your Divorce : Let's Start Talking Againby Cucan Pemo
It’s a fact that more marriages end in divorce than those that last. It used to be that marriages really were forever. The phrase “’till death do us part” was actually meant when it was uttered during wedding vows.
Now, we see or hear about celebrities who marry for 18 hours and couples that get hitched only to get legal status in one country or another.
Marriage is not a word that should be taken lightly, yet it is on a daily basis. But what do you do when your marriage is starting to fall apart, when everything you want is slowly slipping away? You rescue it.
1) Rescuing the Relationship
To save your relationship, you must first figure out what is causing it to fall apart.
Do you and your spouse talk about things, or are you too busy working and raising your family to discuss what’s going on? Have you gone on a date in the last six months?
Do you fight and argue all the time, or has one of you cheated on the other? What is causing the relationship to break down? Let’s face it; you don’t just wake up one morning and say, “I think I’d like a divorce today.” In order to figure out what’s going (or gone) wrong in your relationship, you need to take a step back from your feelings to observe what is going on. If you fight frequently, write down the things you fight about. Write down the amount of time you’ve spent together in the last few days, and write down what you were doing when you weren’t spending time together. You will want to get everything straight in your head before you start to talk to your spouse about your problems and what you think might be damaging your relationship.
2) Talking—It’s Not Overrated
After you have gathered your information, approach your spouse.
Make sure you go into the discussion calmly and rationally. You also want to make sure that you’re not accosting or accusing, but rather asking and questioning.
If you go into the talk too aggressively, you are going to turn them off and nothing will get answered or resolved. Make sure you lay everything out on the table, from the things that are bothering you to the things that you wish you did more of together.
Explain that you want to know how your spouse is feeling, and that you care about where they want the relationship to go.
3) Scheduling
If you have a busy schedule, you may want to make an appointment to have this discussion. Actually, making a schedule for the two of you on a weekly basis is an excellent idea.
All parents know that children thrive on routine, which is why they have a time to wake up, a time to eat, and a time to go to bed. Relationships thrive on a somewhat of a timed schedule, as well.
For instance, take the case of my friend and her husband. Both of them spend every Saturday night together. They have young children, so most of the time they stay in instead of going out. They will rent a movie and either get take-out or some quick meal they can throw together once the kids have gone to bed.
They leave the lights on in the living room long enough to eat their meal, and then, once that’s done, they put the dishes in the sink (they will still be there the next day, so there’s no reason to spoil the mood by doing them), turn the lights off and snuggle together to watch the rest of the movie. They don’t talk about anything except the movie, and make sure that they are touching each other as much as they can.
It is not “un-romantic” to schedule time to be with your spouse. Make sure that you get some time together, whether it’s going out together, or staying in watching a movie. For myself and my boyfriend, sometimes we’ll pull out a board game, add some alcohol, and have a great night being silly together.
As you get along in your relationship, you come to take each other for granted. Spending fun, relaxing time together is one great way to get your relationship back on track.
If you’re thinking about filing for divorce because you can’t stand the fighting anymore, stop. Think about why you are fighting, and try to put yourself in your partner’s shoes. When you love each other and put a little work into it, marriages really can last forever.
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How To Save Your Marriage - With Touch and Sex

How To Save Your Marriage - With Touch and Sex by Cucan Pemo
There are a number of things that can cause a solid marriage to crumble. One minute you’re eating pot roast gathered around the dinner table; the next you’re watching your spouse pack up the family vehicle and you’re torn between despair, anger, and a broken heart.
Your mind may be racing through the past few years, remembering when you first got together, to the last discussion you had. Is it possible to go back and change things? No. You can’t change the past, no matter how many years you’ve been together—but you can start fixing things between the two of you.
1) Sit. Relax. Talk.
In order to fix your marriage, you need to get on even ground again. Right now you may be feeling as though things are extremely lumpy between the two of you, so you need to even out the playing field. Schedule a time when the two of you can sit and talk.
If it’s possible, get to neutral territory. Here is what one of my friends did when she had a fight with her husband and which I felt was very effective. When her husband and herself were having a huge fight, they called a babysitter to come watch their children and took off.
They didn’t talk about anything in the car, but instead drove to a beautiful river about 15 minutes from their house. She told me they sat by the river and talked about what was going on in their marriage, and about how they could fix it. Being by the river relaxed my friend, and being out of theirr home relaxed her husband. It was the perfect spot for them to talk about our problems. A change of environment can do wonders if you are having a good discussion.
There are a few rules you have to both agree upon before you have a discussion.
a. No yelling. Yelling is not conducive to solving your problem. It does nothing but anger your spouse and cause negative emotions to escalate, so avoid it at all costs.b. Stick to the issues. Don’t drag things in from years ago that have already been settled. If your spouse cheated on you 10 years ago, but you’ve forgiven them and they haven’t touched another person since, don’t drag that into the battle. Leave the past alone and work on the present and the future.c. Time yourselves. Some people tend to be so passionate that they don’t let their partner get a word in edgewise. Bring an egg timer along and give yourself a specific amount of time to talk.
If you are able to follow these rules, you can have a discussion and get down to what is really making the foundation of the marriage crack.
2) Forgive
Once you’ve figured out what the problem is, you need to forgive it. It may sound a bit strange, but you need to forgive the relationship for not being perfect.
After all, the relationship is made by the people in it, and nobody’s perfect, which means that no relationship will be perfect.
Understand and forgive that. Once you’ve gotten everything out, you should either be on the same page, or agreeing to disagree, which is fine as well. The whole point of talking is to be able to focus on the problem and get rid of it, or learn to deal with it.
3) Touch
Once your marriage is a little less shaky, it’s time to build the supports back up.
When is the last time you greeted your spouse at the door with a long hug and kiss when they arrived home from work?
If your spouse comes home after you, greet them at the door. Offer a huge hug and a relaxing kiss so that they can truly transition from being at work to being at home.
When’s the last time you danced together? Dancing is an excellent way to get your bodies used to each other again. Sway to some music in the middle of your living room, or do the jitter bug in your kitchen!
Enjoying each other is a wonderful way to keep things fresh and healthy between the two of you.
4) Sex
You do not want sex to be the most important thing in your relationship, but it needs to factor in at some point. Sex releases endorphins, which elevates your mood.
It’s a way for the two of you to connect that you can share with no one else, and is both stimulating and comforting. Sometimes we get so busy we forget to spend time together in bed; so schedule time! Make it a date! For example, every Wednesday night you can shut things down early and meet each other in the middle of your bed.
When you learn to talk openly and spend plenty of time touching, enjoying each other, and making love, your relationship has nowhere to go but up.
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