7 Surefire Ways to Know If Your Boyfriend Feels the Same Way About You!by Cucan Pemo
The first time I met my boyfriend, I knew that he was the one – at least, for the moment, he was. But the first time I realized that I loved him, I almost blurted it out without thinking it through. Catching myself, I realized that I'd better be certain he felt the same way because this was sort of a rebound relationship and he was such a good friend that I didn't want to ruin a friendship at the same time.
Here are the seven ways I knew that my then boyfriend felt the same way about me.
1) He Makes Plans Ahead of Time
A man who plans ahead is something who wants to be with you because he enjoys being with you. He obviously cares about you and wants to make you a priority in his life. Instead of squeezing you into his life, he wants to make sure that the future is filled with fun times with you. Of course, last minute plans are fun too, but a man who plans ahead? That's a guy who's into you.
2) He Isn't Afraid to Introduce You to Others
When you're walking at the mall and you run into a few of his friends, if he introduces you to them, you can be certain that he has already talked about you with them – favorably. This is a man who is committed to the relationship and happy enough to want to share it with the world.
3) He Asks Personal Questions
If you are sitting around, he is going to ask you about your family, your day at work, etc. He wants to know more about you and he isn't afraid to ask because you're someone he cares about and he wants to learn as much as he can about you.
Of course, these questions will probably be limited to family, interests, and hobbies, but when he starts asking about your dreams, you know he's hooked.
4) He Doesn't Shy Away From Hard Conversations
If you come home from work and you've had a rough day, you're probably going to vent these frustrations to anyone who listens.
I know that when I have a bad day, all I want is for someone to listen to me and to tell me that I have every right to be upset. If you're with a man who lets you vent and doesn't run away from the conversation, you have someone who's really special and who really cares.
5) He Remembers Special Days
One time, a man I was seeing remembered the first time he and I had ever met each other – even though I didn't remember.
He surprised me with a rose at my workplace. Before that, I had thought that he really didn't care about me, but once I realized that he had been keeping 'score' of our relationship, I realized that he was deeply interested in being a good man for me and interested in caring about my happiness.
6) He Looks You in the Eye
A man who can and does look you in the eye is a man with nothing to hide. When you are walking to your man about personal feelings, and he looks directly at you, you know that not only is he listening to the conversation, but he's also making sure that you know he's listening. This is a man who's honest and ready to be a part of the relationship.
7) He Likes to Touch You
Men like to express how they feel by touch at times – and this means outside of the bedroom too. When your man holds onto you and touches your shoulders, he is showing that he is proud to be with you and that he really cares about making you feel happy and safe.
I was once with a guy who I though I really liked, but I was hesitant about telling him because it seemed like something was 'off.' He was nice enough and he met my family, who adored him. But he never looked me in the eye and this made me worried. So, instead of sharing with him how I thought I felt, I just let the relationship ride out to see if he would say something first. He did. He was cheating on me with my best friend.
A man who can look you in the eye is someone you can trust not only with your words, but also with your heart. While not every man will fall into all of these seven ways, he should be fitting into most of them.===========================Is your spouse or lover abroad and they are telling you that they havelost that attraction for you?? You CAN still save your relationship (andMarriage) using my proven methods and strategies which have beenused successfully by people from ALL over the world! Learn howyou can get your Ex back and save your own Relationship TODAY!==> http://item0612.cpemo.hop.clickbank.net/
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